🔋Our Features

Prometheus has a large arsenal of competitive features, both new and upgraded aged one that are intended to make decentralized trading, sniping, and researching easier and quicker than ever.

A brief summarization of the Prometheus DApp features is as follows:

  • General

    • Node Selection: for all transactions, including quickbuy, buy, snipe, and quicksnipe, users are able to choose between a variety of private nodes (including bloXroute) for a significantly quicker transaction and block propagation (get in before everybody else with significantly less chance of a failed transaction)

  • Private Transaction Mining: users are protected from MEV bots and sandwich attacks on their transacting automatically

  • Multi-Wallet Functionality: Users can transact with multiple wallets at once, each with different settings

  • Powerful Alerting System: all tokens and projects that the user adds to their Watchlist are entered into the user's alert system, which gives users real-time alerts on those projects such as:

    • Trading enabled

    • Renounced contract

    • Liquidity: added, removed

    • Token buybacks

    • Tax: tax and fee changes

    • Updated Dextools social information

    • Developer wallet movements

    • And much more!

  • Live Feed

    • Combine informational streams from a plethora of sources to be fed into a single Live Feed (Telegram, Discord, and eventually Twitter) along with all newly-deployed coins; no more switching or using multiple windows, you're able to now have all your resources in a singular stream

    • Live Pairs indexing: all pairs deployed on-chain are indexed and displayed with relevant information such as taxes, max thresholds (wallet/transaction), social information (Twitter, Web, Telegram), renounced contract, honeypot detection, and red flags that a project has

    • Easy filtering: users can decide if they want to display only projects that fit a variety of parameters such as: New Pairs, Scraped Pairs, Momentum Pairs, Trending Pairs, Hot Launches, and Anticipated Launches. Have the power to be able to find tokens that fit your current portfolio interests and research, buy, and snipe them instantaneously within a few clicks!

    • Automatic Rug Filtering: all projects that were rugged or scammed are automatically removed from the Feed in order to give users a quicker ability to find legitimate projects without having to keep updated on it themselves

    • QuickBuy: users can 1-click buy a project with their premade settings directly from the Live Feed (Take Profits, Stop Losses, Limit Orders, etc)

    • QuickSnipe: users can 1-click snipe a project with their premade settings

    • QuickSell: users can 1-click sell bought tokens with their premade settings

    • Buy, snipe, sell: users can quickly buy, snipe, and sell tokens with their customized settings

  • Watchlist

    • Users can add projects directly from their Live Feed onto their Watchlist so they are able to keep tabs on projects that look appealing without having to have them in an entirely separate tab; adding a project to your Watchlist automatically adds it to their Alerting System also

    • Users are also able to manually enter contract addresses and project names to add to their Watchlist

  • Wallets

    • Create, import, and remove wallets instantly

    • Adjust a wallet's QuickBuy, QuickSnipe, QuickSell premade settings

  • Positions

    • Multi-Wallet Position Monitoring: users are able to track their portfolios in real-time

  • Scraper

    • Telegram connectivity: Users are able to link a Telegram account and choose channels to be scraped for tokens called or talked about and have them appear in their Live Feed automatically, allowing them to 1-click buy/snipe instantly when a token is called in those Telegram channels

    • Discord connectivity: Users are able to link a Discord account and choose channels to be scraped for tokens called or talked about and have them appear in their Live Feed automatically, allowing them to 1-click buy/snipe instantly when a token is called in those Discord channels

    • Adjustable settings: choose to only scrape certain tokens from channels based on filters: mentioned by admin, mentioned by owner, mentioned by bot, mentioned by user

Last updated